Unraveling the Magic of Fenwick Trees - A Beginner's Guide
Fenwick Trees, also known as Binary Indexed Trees (BIT), are an elegant and efficient data structure used to perform range queries and updates on an array. Originally designed by Peter Fenwick in 1994, these trees have found applications in variou...
Understanding Treaps - A Balancing Act of Trees and Heaps
When it comes to data structures, the Treap is a fascinating hybrid that combines the characteristics of both binary search trees and heaps. This ingenious structure seamlessly integrates the orderly properties of a binary search tree with the ran...
Monotonicity and Stacks
This post highlights the possible usage of stacks (as a data structure) to resolve problems where monotonicity is of value.
Basic Data Structure Concepts and Implementations
This post is a basic cheat-sheet on some of the basics yet crucial data structures’ underlying concepts and high level implementations. I also try to cover some more interesting related ideas for some of these data structures