MarkDown101 and how to use them in your webpages?
2022/07/19 Jekyll Markdown

This post is a basic cheat-sheet on how to write a markdown based document with proper syntax and formatting. Markdown is an easy-to-remember which is just a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. We will also explore on how to extend upon its capabilities to work in web page just like this one !

Chose an Editor for markdown based language

The post in website based on Jekyll is typically written with Markdown, which is just a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. You can write Markdown with any text editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom, but I recommend Visual Studio Code (aka VS Code).


The main reason I recommend VS Code is to have an active community that develops a number of extensions to extend its capabilities. Here are some extensions I used for Markdown.

Block Elements


# H1

## H2

### H3

#### H4

##### H5

You may not use # H1 in your post, because the title variable in front matter is considered as H1 and showed on the top of the page.


  • Unordered

      - Red
      - Green
      - Blue
    • Red
    • Green
    • Blue
  • Ordered

      1. Red
      1. Green
      1. Blue
    1. Red
    2. Green
    3. Blue
  • Task

      - [x] Task 1
      - [ ] Task 2
      - [ ] Task 3
    • Task 1
    • Task 2
    • Task 3

Code Blocks

There are many different ways to style code blocks, you can indent with four spaces:

    if (2 > 1) {
        return true
if (2 > 1) {
    return true

GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation, and if you’d like to use syntax highlighting, include the languages:

if (2 > 1) {
    return true
if (2 > 1) {
    return true

Additionally, you could use Linguist to perform language detection and syntax highlighting. You can find out which keywords are valid in the languages YAML file.


> Blockquotes uses `>` characters for blockquoting. And blockquotes can be nested by adding additional levels of `>`:
> This is the first level of quoting.
> > This is nested blockquote.
> Blockquotes can also contain other Markdown elements:
> 1. This is the first list item.
> 1. This is the second list item.
> Here's some example code:
> ```java
>  if (2 > 1) {
>      return true
>  }
> ```

Blockquotes uses > characters for blockquoting. And blockquotes can be nested by adding additional levels of >:

This is the first level of quoting.

This is nested blockquote.

Blockquotes can also contain other Markdown elements:

  1. This is the first list item.
  2. This is the second list item.

Here’s some example code:

 if (2 > 1) {
     return true

Span Elements

  • Hyperlinks



  • Anchor Links

    An anchor link is a link on a page that brings you to a specific place on that page.

      [Span Elements](#span-elements)

    Span Elements

    Note that the link must be a lowercase header, even if the original header contains uppercase letters. If the header contains multiple words, they must be connected by -. If your header contains complex symbols, you should pre-generate the HTML page from Markdown and see what the id attribute of that header with your browser’s web developer tools.

  • Post Links

    If you want to include a link to a post on your site, the post_url tag will generate the correct permalink URL for the post you specify.

    Linking to posts

    site.baseurl is required before GitHub Pages’ Jekyll dependency version updates to v4.0.

    Since v4.0 you don’t need to prepend link tags with site.baseurl

    Jekyll Links

  • Anchor Links for Another Post

    If you want to link a specific place in another post, just combine anchor links and post links showed above. There is a simple example:

Text Formatting







Inline Code

Inline `code` has `backticks` around it.

Inline code has backticks around it.

Multimedia Elements


The image syntax is very similar to hyperlinks, except that there is an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning, like:

![Alt Text](link)

If you want to embed images of yourself for your site, just put your images in /assets/images/ folder, and reference it like this:

![Stones on the beach]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/Stones on the beach.jpeg)

Stones on the beach

YouTube Videos

You can provide a simple include tag for YouTube video, which is easy to embed and responsive. You just need to find out the id of a video in YouTube, which is a combination of numbers and letters after an equal sign (=) at the end of video page’s URL. And don’t forget the double quotes (") on both sides of the id.

{% include youtube.html id="gocwRvLhDf8" %}



You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:

| ------- | :------ | :-----: | ------: |
| content | content | content | content |
content content content content

You can choose a different alignment style for each column:

  • :----- Align left
  • :----: Align center
  • -----: Align right

You may want to use a table generator for complicated tables.


Markdown supports MathJax, which means you can embed mathematics with \(\rm\LaTeX\).

$$E = mc^2$$
\[E = mc^2\]

How is the vanilla Markdown different from webpage processed Markdown ?

This website uses Jekyll to render Markdown based web pages and uses “kramdown” flavor of Markdown, which is what GitHub Pages supports. (There are various “flavors” of Markdown that have subtle differences in what various symbols do, but for the most part frequently used symbols like those that create heading formatting are the same—so you’re actually probably okay using this markdown cheatsheet). I’ve linked a good resource for kramdown in the references section.


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