Sia Cloud-Based Storage Development
2023/07/09 Blockchain

Sia is the leading decentralized cloud storage platform. No signups, no servers, no trusted third parties. Sia leverages blockchain technology to create a data storage marketplace that is more robust and more affordable than traditional cloud storage providers.

Development Environment

Development Platform

  • The most basic development requirements
    • Get the complete Sia source code
    • Can edit source code
    • Configure Go language development environment
  • Recommended development environment

Ubuntu Desktop configuration Go development environment

  1. Download the Go binary package of the corresponding version
  2. Install (unzip) the binary package to a custom path (recommended /usr/local)

     sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz
  3. Configure environment variables and append the following to ~/.bashrc (GOROOT is the installation path of the previous step, GOPATH can be customized)

     export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
     export GOPATH=$HOME/Documents/Go
     export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
  4. Check the environment configuration with go env

     akashsharma@ ~ $ go env
     HOT = ""
     CGO_CFLAGS = "- g -O2"
     CGO_CPPFLAGS = ""
     CGO_CXXFLAGS = "- g -O2"
     CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2"
     CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2"
     GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build200491170=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"

Install the Go tools

GoLand configuration debugging

Sia source code can generate two executable binary files siad and siac. When using GoLand for development, the package they belong to can be used as the entry point to start debugging, and the configuration information for debugging can be set according to the Makefile file

  1. Start Run/Debug Configurations via the top menu Run -> Edit Configurations...
  2. Add a new debug configuration via Add New Configuration -> Go Build
  3. In the Configuration tab, set Go tool arguments to

    -tags "dev debug profile netgo" -ldflags "-X -X"

    Other settings are as follows (take siad as an example)

    Item Configuration
    Run kind Package
    Package path
    Run after build Checked
    Program arguments –modules=g –sia-directory=/home/akashsharma/sia –profile-directory=/home/akashsharma/sia/profiles
    Module Let

    -Start debugging with the above configuration, which is equivalent to running siad --modules=g --sia-directory=/home/akashsharma/sia --profile-directory=/home/akashsharma/ after compiling *siad* Debug when sia/profiles -The configuration of Go tool arguments is consistent with Makefile, DEBUG_COMMIT and DEBUG_TIME can be replaced with actual values ​​according to the settings in Makefile -Package path and Program arguments can be compiled and run according to the actual package of the main function to be run (for example, set to when debugging siac) and start Set the actual operating parameters of the corresponding program

Testing platform

  • The most basic test requirements
    • Any operating system supported by Go language
    • A host
  • Recommended test environment
    • Virtualization platform: VMware Workstation Pro 14
    • Virtual machine operating system: Ubuntu Server 18.04 (No need to install Go)
    • Virtual machine configuration: 1GB memory, 8GB storage
    • A cluster composed of multiple virtual hosts

Ubuntu Server configure static IP

Assuming that the network adapter of the virtual machine is set to NAT, and the gateway of the NAT adapter has been set to, you want to set the static IP of the virtual machine to and the subnet mask to

  1. Modify the configuration file under the path of /etc/netplan/ (default is 50-cloud-init.yaml)

    yaml # This file is generated from information provided by # the datasource. Changes to it will not persist across an instance. # To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file # /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following: # network: {config: disabled} network: ethernets: ens33: addresses: [] dhcp4: no optional: true gateway4: version: 2 `

  2. Application configuration items

     sudo netplan apply

Configure Static IP Addresses On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ServerUbuntu Config File

Compile the source code

Makefile files include release (standard version), dev (development version), and debug (debugging version) by default. Three conventional compilation targets and compilation targets each containing data competition detection are included in the development process. dev version

Build Sia

Local compilation

Execute make dev in the root directory of Sia, and generate executable files siac and siad in $GOPATH/bin

The first compilation target declared in the Makefile file is the default compilation target (usually named all), and the setting in this project is

# all will build and install release binaries
all: release

That is, all is used as the compilation target by default (all calls the compilation target release), so the effect of using make, make all, and make release is the same

If you want to modify the default compilation target to dev, you can modify the above settings to

# all will build and install dev binaries
all: dev

Cross compilation

  1. For the target platform (Windows, Linux, OpenBSD, etc.) and compilation target (release, dev, debug, etc.) of cross-compilation, modify the corresponding compilation instructions in the Makefile file to specify the target operating system (GOOS) and system Architecture (GOARCH)
  2. Execute make dev in the Sia root directory, and generate the corresponding executable file in $GOPATH/bin/$GOOS_$GOARCH

If you want to cross compile the Windows version under Linux, you can modify it in the Makefile file

# dev builds and installs developer binaries.
    go install -tags='dev debug profile netgo' -ldflags='$(ldflags)' $(pkgs)


# dev builds and installs developer binaries.
    GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install -tags='dev debug profile netgo' -ldflags='$(ldflags)' $(pkgs)

Reference : Building windows go programs on linux , Optional environment variables

Build a private test network

When building a private test network, the networking process of the network mainly includes [Manually set up the connection node] (#Manually set up the connection node) and [Automatically discover the network node] (# Automatic discovery network node)

It is assumed that there is a development platform that meets the most basic development requirements, and a multi-node virtual machine cluster has been built, and each node can visit each other through the network. (The following configuration assumes that the virtual machine is on the same internal network, the subnet mask is, and the gateway is

The configuration of each type of node in the cluster is as follows

Node IP Type api-addr rpc-addr host-addr sia-directory
Node 0 Bootstrap localhost:9980 :9981   ~/sia/bootstrap
Node 1 Miner localhost: 9990 : 9991   ~ / sia / miner
Node 2 Host localhost:9980 :9981 :9982 ~/sia/host
Node 3 Interest localhost: 9980 : 9981   ~ / sia / renter

A single node can be used as a multi-purpose node by combining multiple modules

A single host can run multiple Sia instances (such as Node 0 and Node 1 in by setting different ports and data storage paths for siad

You can view related port description information through ./siad --help

-api-addr is used to access the API, siac interacts with siad through this host and port (default is localhost:9980) -rpc-addr is used for communication between nodes, the gateway module connects with other Sia instances through this port (default is :9981) -host-addr is used by the Host node to monitor file upload and download requests (default is :9982)

Manually set the connection node

When a node joins the network, you need to manually specify the Sia instance to be connected, and then the node can obtain information about other nodes in the network from the connected node, and establish connections with other nodes

Since hard-coded Bootstrap nodes are not used, the Node 0 node in the cluster can be started first, assumes the function of Bootstrap, and serves as a new node to join the network and the entry for new nodes to obtain other node information in the network; the new node is in [Start Background service process] (#Start background service process sia-instance), need to set the --no-bootstrap parameter, and when [join network] (#join network), set Node 0 as The connected objects will eventually form a P2P network

Set the operating environment

  1. Create the virtual machine used to build the cluster, Configure the IP of each virtual machine
  2. Create a folder to save node data
  3. Upload the dev version siad and siac of Compile to each virtual machine (you can use scp Command)

     akashsharma@ bin $ scp siac siad akashsharma@ ~ / sia
     siac                                          100%   12MB  54.5MB/s   00:00
     siad                                          100%   18MB  65.7MB/s   00:00

    Reference : Transferring files over SSH

Start the background service process (Sia instance)

Run the Sia instance through siad, start the background service process of each node, and load the modules required by each node

  1. Create a new terminal and log in to the corresponding node through ssh
  2. Enter the directory where siad is saved
  3. View related commands and parameter setting information through ./siad --help

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad --help
     Running with debugging enabled
     Both Daemon v1.3.3
     ./siad [flags]
     ./siad [command]
     Available Commands:
     help        Help about any command
     modules     List available modules for use with -M, --modules flag
     version     Print version information
         --agent string               required substring for the user agent (default "Sia-Agent")
         --api-addr string            which host:port the API server listens on (default "localhost:9980")
         --authenticate-api           enable API password protection
         --disable-api-security       allow siad to listen on a non-localhost address (DANGEROUS)
     -h, --help                       help for ./siad
         --host-addr string           which port the host listens on (default ":9982")
     -M, --modules string             enabled modules, see 'siad modules' for more info (default "cghrtw")
         --no-bootstrap               disable bootstrapping on this run
         --profile string             enable profiling with flags 'cmt' for CPU, memory, trace
         --profile-directory string   location of the profiling directory (default "profiles")
         --rpc-addr string            which port the gateway listens on (default ":9981")
     -d, --sia-directory string       location of the sia directory
     Use "./siad [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  4. Check whether the compiled version is the dev version through ./siad version

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad version
     Running with debugging enabled
     Sia Daemon v1.3.3-dev
  5. Start the background service process through ./siad --modules gctwrhm (you may need to select only some modules to start according to the node type) (Need to set the parameter --no-bootstrap)
    • Node 0 - Bootstrap

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad --modules=g --no-bootstrap --sia-directory=bootstrap
        Running with debugging enabled
        Both Daemon v1.3.3
        Git Revision 4c73a7dd
        (0/1) Loading siad ...
        (1/1) Loading gateway...
        Finished loading in 0.066843548 seconds
    • Node 1 - Miner

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad --modules=gctwm --no-bootstrap --api-addr=localhost:9990 --rpc-addr=:9991 --sia-directory=miner
        Running with debugging enabled
        Both Daemon v1.3.3
        Git Revision 4c73a7dd
        (0/5) Loading siad ...
        (1/5) Loading gateway...
        (2/5) Loading consensus...
        (3/5) Loading transaction pool...
        (4/5) Loading wallet...
        (5/5) Loading miner...
        Finished loading in 0.163977087 seconds
    • Node 2 - Host

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad --modules=gctwh --no-bootstrap --sia-directory=host
        (5/5) Loading host...
        Finished loading in 0.013928993 seconds
    • Node 3 - Renter

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siad --modules=gctwr --no-bootstrap --sia-directory=renter
        (5/5) Loading renter...
        Finished loading in 0.021479162 seconds

Join the network

Through the commands provided by siac, interact with the background service process, call the API provided by its gateway module, and join the P2P network

  1. Create a new terminal and log in to the corresponding node through ssh
  2. Enter the directory where siac is saved
  3. View relevant help information through ./siac --help (APIs provided by siad can be called through related commands)

     akashsharma@ and $ ./siac --help
     Both Client v1.3.3
     ./siac [flags]
     ./siac [command]
     Available Commands:
     bash-completion Creates bash completion file.
     consensus       Print the current state of consensus
     gateway         Perform gateway actions
     help            Help about any command
     host            Perform host actions
     hostdb          Interact with the renter's host database.
     man-generation  Creates unix style manpages.
     miner           Perform miner actions
     renter          Perform renter actions
     stop            Stop the Sia daemon
     update          Update Sia
     version         Print version information
     wallet          Perform wallet actions
     -a, --addr string          which host/port to communicate with (i.e. the host/port siad is listening on) (default "localhost:9980")
         --apipassword string   the password for the API's http authentication
     -h, --help                 help for ./siac
         --useragent string     the useragent used by siac to connect to the daemon's API (default "Sia-Agent")
     Use "./siac [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  4. For non-Bootstrap nodes (Miner, Host, Renter), establish a connection with Bootstrap nodes through ./siac gateway connect and join the P2P network
    • Node 1 - Miner

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 gateway connect
        Added to peer list.
        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 gateway list
        1 active peers:
        Version  Outbound  Address
        1.3.3    Yes
    • Node 2 - Host

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac gateway connect
        Added to peer list.
        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac gateway list
        2 active peers:
        Version  Outbound  Address
        1.3.3    Yes
        1.3.3    Yes
    • Node 3 - Renter

        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac gateway connect
        Added to peer list.
        akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac gateway list
        3 active peers:
        Version  Outbound  Address
        1.3.3    Yes
        1.3.3    Yes
        1.3.3    No

    Connect miner, host, renter and Bootstrap in turn, the new node will be connected to other nodes in the network in addition to the Bootstrap node

Wallet operation

Initialize the wallet

For nodes that use the wallet module (Miner saves mining rewards, Host needs to provide mortgages before launching shared storage services, and Renter needs to pay a prepayment before using shared storage), initialize via ./siac wallet init --password Wallet and set password

akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 wallet init --password
Wallet password:
Recovery seed:
awning myth blip hexagon identity goodbye dyslexic debut mammal actress pulp upstairs lobster autumn adult vehicle twofold stellar batch jittery essential pause onslaught deftly saxophone ringing remedy reef aggravate

Wallet encrypted with given password

The --addr parameter is used to specify the siad background service process of the communication (the default is localhost:9980)

Unlock wallet

The wallet must be used for node-related operations, or the wallet must be unlocked through ./siac wallet unlock before performing any operations on the wallet, otherwise the related operations will not work properly. If the Miner node does not unlock the wallet before starting the first mining, it will not be possible Receiving mining rewards

akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 wallet unlock
Wallet password:
Create account address

When the transfer operation is required, the recipient of the transfer needs to create a new account address for the wallet through ./siac wallet address in advance, and can use ./siac wallet addresses View all account addresses in the wallet

akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet address
Created new address: 17d05e536d6cd6ccfcfeb0688325464f69b75b960df6dd1a5caded822ee80f98e47654dd8181
akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet addresses

In the subsequent operations, only the Host node and the Renter node provide or use shared storage to pay for Siacoin, so only these two types of nodes need to manually create account addresses; because the Miner node can automatically generate and receive rewards after the wallet is unlocked while mining Account address, so there is no need to manually create an account address

View balance

For nodes that use the wallet module, you can check the balance in the wallet through ./siac wallet balance

akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 wallet balance
Wallet status:
Encrypted, Unlocked
Height:              0
Confirmed Balance:   0 H
Unconfirmed Delta:  +0 H
Exact:               0 H
Siafunds:            0 SF
Siafund Claims:      0 H

Estimated Fee:       30 mS / KB

Test the built network

Mining Miner

The Miner node obtains Siacoin through mining, and performs transfer to the Host and Renter nodes, which is shared storage and file upload download provide transaction support and confirm the generated transaction

  1. Miner node runs miner module through ./siac miner start to start mining

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 miner start
     CPU Miner is now running.
  2. Miner node ends mining through ./siac miner stop

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 miner stop
     Stopped mining.
  3. Each node ((Miner, Host, Renter) checks the synchronization of the blockchain through ./siac consensus (Because the Bootstrap node does not start the consensus module, the blockchain is not synchronized, and the blocks of other nodes The chain is completely synchronized, and the query results are exactly the same)

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 consensus
     Synced: Yes
     Block:      0000007573fc48b79136a60f5597fc34f34603c5e816a241d9b2390db18b0219
     Height:     500
     Target:     [0 0 1 5 17 132 33 158 236 175 6 108 67 120 9 5 174 115 191 213 7 247 6 193 127 240 191 222 39 32 139 209]
     Difficulty: 16451500
  4. Miner node [check the balance in the wallet] (#check the balance)

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 wallet balance
     Wallet status:
     Encrypted, Unlocked
     Height:              500
     Confirmed Balance:   146.9 MS
     Unconfirmed Delta:  +0 H
     Exact:               146879705000000000000000000000000 H
     Siafunds:            0 SF
     Siafund Claims:      0 H
     Estimated Fee:       30 mS / KB
Transfer Miner -> Host

The Miner node transfers the Siacoin obtained by Mining to the Host node, and the Host node uses the Siacoin obtained as collateral to provide shared storage services

  1. Host node [Create account address] (#Create account address)
  2. The Miner node sends Siacoins to the Host node through ./siac wallet send siacoins [amount] [dest]

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac --addr=localhost:9990 wallet send siacoins 50MS 17d05e536d6cd6ccfcfeb0688325464f69b75b960df6dd1a5caded822ee80f98e47654dd8181
     Sent 50000000000000000000000000000000 hastings to 17d05e536d6cd6ccfcfeb0688325464f69b75b960df6dd1a5caded822ee80f98e47654dd8181
  3. The Host node uses ./siac wallet balance to check the balance of the wallet, and ./siac wallet transactions to check the relevant transfer transaction information -When the Miner node does not start mining, the transaction is not recorded in the blockchain and the transfer is not completed

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet balance
     Wallet status:
     Encrypted, Unlocked
     Height:              500
     Confirmed Balance:   0 H
     Unconfirmed Delta:  +50 MS
     Exact:               0 H
     Siafunds:            0 SF
     Siafund Claims:      0 H
     Estimated Fee:       30 mS / KB
     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet transactions
                 [timestamp]    [height]                                                   [transaction id]    [net siacoins]   [net siafunds]
                 unconfirmed unconfirmed   b7b37e7293b9e17867b076f11441e3fbc2dbd5195da05f64e8dc40d235a0c06c    50000000.00 SC             0 SF

    -After the Miner node starts mining, the transaction is confirmed and the transfer is completed

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet balance
     Wallet status:
     Encrypted, Unlocked
     Height:              504
     Confirmed Balance:   50 MS
     Unconfirmed Delta:  +0 H
     Exact:               50000000000000000000000000000000 H
     Siafunds:            0 SF
     Siafund Claims:      0 H
     Estimated Fee:       30 mS / KB
     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac wallet transactions
                 [timestamp]    [height]                                                   [transaction id]    [net siacoins]   [net siafunds]
     2018-07-05 04:43:45+0800         501   b7b37e7293b9e17867b076f11441e3fbc2dbd5195da05f64e8dc40d235a0c06c    50000000.00 SC             0 SF
Shared Storage Host

The Host node announces the shared storage to the network and accepts the contract by setting the shared storage path and size, thereby providing shared storage services

  1. Create a new folder on the Host node as the data storage path for shared storage

     akashsharma@ sia $ mkdir share_storage
  2. The Host node adds a shared storage data storage path through ./siac host folder add [path] [size] and sets the shared space size

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac host folder add ~/sia/share_storage 512MB
     Added folder /home/akashsharma/sia/share_storage
  3. The Host node announces the start of shared storage service to the network through ./siac host announce [address]

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac host announce
     Host announcement submitted to network.
     The host has also been configured to accept contracts.
     To revert this, run:
         siac host config acceptingcontracts false

    Check Sia/modules/host/announce.go to know

    1. In the internal network test, executing ./siac host announce will eventually call the func (h *Host) Announce() error method in the above source file in the Siad instance, due to h.settings.NetAddress And h.autoAddress both return "", so h.managedAnnounce(annAddr) will not be executed, and the announcement process cannot be completed (no error will be reported)

    2. In the intranet test, use the official source code directly compiled version, execute ./siac host announce [address], and finally call func (h *Host) AnnounceAddress in the above source file in the Siad instance (addr modules.NetAddress) error method, because the internal network address is provided during the test, the judgment statement if addr.IsLocal() cannot be passed when executing, so you need to comment the relevant statement, and then re compile with the modified source code siad, and upload to the corresponding Host node, execute ./siac host announce [address]

       //if addr.IsLocal() {
       //    return errors.New("announcement requested with local net address")
  4. The Host node uses ./siac host to view the current settings of shared storage

     akashsharma@ and $ ./siac host
     Host info:
         Connectability Status: Host is not connectable (re-checks every few minutes).
         Storage:      503.32 MB (0 B used)
         Price:        50 SC / TB / Month
         Max Duration: 25 Weeks
         Accepting Contracts:  Yes
         Anticipated Revenue:  0 H
         Locked Collateral:    0 H
         Revenue:              0 H
     Storage Folders:
         Used    Capacity     % Used    Path
         0 B     503.32 MB    0.00      /home/akashsharma/sia/share_storage
  5. The Renter node uses ./siac hostdb to view the information of the Host node that announced the provision of shared storage services in the current network

     akashsharma@ and $ ./siac hostdb
     1 Active Hosts:
         Address Price (per TB per Mo)
     1:  50 SC
File upload and downloadRenter <-> Host

The Renter node obtains the shared storage service by presetting the allowance (prepayment) to be paid to the Host node during the file upload and download process

  1. The Renter node obtains Siacoin from the Miner node through a process similar to Miner transfer to Host
  2. The Renter node uses ./siac renter prices to view the shared storage prices in the network

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac renter prices
     Renter Prices (estimated):
     Fees for Creating a Set of Contracts:   3.96 SC
     Download 1 TB:                          25 SC
     Store 1 TB for 1 Month:                 150 SC
     Upload 1 TB:                            3 SC
  3. The Renter node uses ./siac renter setallowance [amount] [period] [hosts] [renew window] to set the total amount of Siacoin that can be spent in a given period when using the shared storage service provided by the Host node, that is According to the price of shared storage in the network, the prepayment that needs to be paid before using the shared storage service

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac renter setallowance 100SC 100b 1 10b
     Allowance updated.

    You can view specific parameter setting instructions through ./siac renter setallowance --help

    -amount -> 100SC is set to spend at most 100SC in a period, that is, the prepayment in a shared storage service period is 100SC -period -> 100b Set a period length to 100 blocks -hosts -> 1 Set the data of the Renter node to be distributed on 1 Host node (because there is only one Host node in the test network) -renew windows -> 10b Set the time window for automatic renewal of allowance (prepayment) to 10 blocks, and the contract signed by Renter and Host will be automatically updated after the time window is reached

  4. The Renter node uploads files via ./siac renter upload [source] [path], and checks the status of all files via ./siac renter list

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac renter upload test_file test
     Uploaded '/home/akashsharma/sia/test_file' as test.
     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac renter list
     Tracking 1 files:
     Total uploaded:  12.09 MB
     12.09 MB  test
  5. The Host node uses ./siac host to view the shared storage space usage

     akashsharma@ and $ ./siac host
     Storage Folders:
         Used        Capacity     % Used    Path
         12.32 MB    503.32 MB    2.45      /home/akashsharma/sia/share_storage
  6. The Renter node downloads files through ./siac renter download [path] [destination]

     akashsharma@ sia $ ./siac renter download test test_file2
     Downloading...  95.4% of 12.09 MB, 1s elapsed, 61.42 Mbps
     Downloaded 'test' to /home/akashsharma/sia/test_file2.

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